Monthly Archives: December 2017

Smokers turn to acupuncture therapy to kick the butt

Smokers turn to acupuncture therapy to kick the butt With nearly 20 cigarettes down daily, it's easy to lose count or even attempt to restrain lighting up. And if you are like Yagna kumari, the 55-year-old chief programme coordinator, every hour is a stress bomb that makes you pine for the next drg. For [...]

Smokers turn to acupuncture therapy to kick the butt2017-12-20T06:36:55+00:00

Getting the perfect cup of health

Getting the perfect cup to health Cupping therapy , an ancient form of alternative medicine, has been used in China for thousands of years. The treatment involves local suction in the skin whereby the skin is pulled upwards creating vacuum in a cup placed over the area. This was believed to help treat a variety [...]

Getting the perfect cup of health2017-12-20T06:43:06+00:00

Ear Acupuncture

GIVE AN EAR TO GOOD HEALTH Auriculotherapy was discovered and developed into an effective treatment by paul nogier, a French doctor in the 50s. Nogier was able to figure out how certain parts of the ear related to certain parts of the motor area of the brain. This discovery led him to a lifetime [...]

Ear Acupuncture2017-12-20T06:51:39+00:00
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