Interview of Dr.Raman kapur on Acupuncture
Our Acupuncture Clinic is located in the heart of Delhi (Greater Kailash), which is easily connected to Airport and Delhi Metro. With state-of-the-art infrastructure and technologies we are the top Acupuncture Clinic in India.
No matter where you are beginning from
- More than 8 million Americans have used acupuncture.
- Growing numbers have sought out acupuncturists for chronic pain and health problems when conventional medicine has not worked or has not provided answers.
- The National Institute of Health and World Health Organization have both given formal approval for certain uses of acupuncture.
- Medical doctors refer their patients to acupuncturists more than to any other “alternative” care provider.
- 51% of medical doctors believe acupuncture to be efficacious and of value to their patients.

Macular Degeneration
Rajat Chopra is a child aged 8 years. He came to our clinic 2 years back after complaints of having severe diminution of vision and having been diagnosed as bilateral macular degeneration with a vision of 4/60. According to western medical science there is no treatment available for this disease which is progressive in nature.
Acupuncture treatment was started on this patient 2 years back. He started showing a positive improvement in vision. Within first 2 months of treatment itself, his vision improved to 6/60. He still continues therapy with us and his vision has been showing a continuous improvement with the present corrected vision being 6/24.
Mr. Krishan Kant , aged 32 years, complained of left sided headache since the last 8 years, gradually became more worse and also shifted to the right side of head since 3 years. Presently, his pain was only left sided and he was diagnosed as a patient of migraine. When he came to us for treatment, his headaches had become so severe that he was taking 1-2 tablets of vasograin daily, and he would be suffering from headache almost 4-5 days in a week. His headaches used to get worse with sunshine. He was started acupuncture therapy from 27-4-2002 . Initially for first 20 treatments, the treatment was given daily. Within the first 10 sessions only, he got so much relief that he stopped taking vasograin. Gradually , the frequency of headache got less. After 20 treatments, the session was reduced to alternate days for 2 weeks, by which time he had totally stopped having any headaches. He could now even move in sunshine without any headache. He had once a week treatment for 2 weeks and then we stopped his treatment. Follow up till now has not shown any relapse.
Cosmetic acupuncture for face lift
Lacoste Catherine, a 49 –year-old French lady living in India, decided to try acupuncture for her sagging facial skin and crow’s feet and is happy with the results. She says, with a broad smile on her face, “ I took about 10-12 sessions for this problem but I also had other health problems when I first started getting acupuncture done. After the sessions, even my husband commented on the change in my face.” And husbands do not lie, especially when it comes to being brutally honest about their wives’ appearance. Acupuncture can and does offer remedies for many cosmetic problems like sagging facial skin, double chin, sagging breasts, breast augmentation, bags under the eyes, upper and lower medial eye areas, reducing male breasts, forehead wrinkles, cheeks, upper and lower epigastria area ( middle of the stomach), obesity, sagging upper arm.
Mr. Balram, a 65 year old male, developed complete loss of hearing about 2 years ago in his right ear. He consulted an E.N.T. specialist who did an audiometry and diagnosed it as total nerve deafness with complete hearing loss. He asked for a hearing aid but was told that an aid has no role as he has no hearing. He visited us for acupuncture and within 7 days of start of treatment, he could start hearing the tick-tock of a clock. His hearing gradually went on improving and an audiometry done 2 months later showed a 30% improvement in hearing. He could now use a hearing aid and carry on with his normal activities.
Facial Neuralgia
Ms. Neeru Gulati, aged 28 years, developed Lt. Sided facial paralysis in october 2000. She took Wysolone and electro stimulation and recovered. However, she developed an acute pain in the left eye since last 5 months and she was put on pain killers. As she got no relief, she was started on Tab. Mazetol, initially once a day, to now upto four a day with little relief. She came to us on 27-4-2002 , when acupuncture treatment was started on her. Initially she was given daily treatment for 20 days, during which time she totally stopped all her medication and had substantial pain relief. Later, this schedule was made to alternate days for 2 weeks, then twice a week for 2 weeks. Her pain is now totally cured and there has been no relapse since her treatment was completed.