How Acupuncture Can Help With Many Issues Of Pregnancy – Increase energy, improve digestion issues, combat anxiety and stress, relieve pain?
How Acupuncture Can Help With Morning Sickness – Prevent nausea, relieve hypersensitivity to ‘trigger smells’ and more?
How Acupuncture Can Reduce Bloating, Swelling & Inflammation – Decrease water retention, improve circulation and flush out toxins?
Acupuncture For Back Pain During Pregnancy – Lower back pain relief, endorphin release.
How Acupuncture Helps To Induce Labour – Stimulate oxytocin to naturally induce labor, and avoid the use of modern injections/drugs with potentially dangerous side effects?
Acupuncture To Renew Your Body After Pregnancy – The importance of rest and recovery after giving birth and how acupuncture can help restore energy levels, balance emotions and aid in healing.
How Acupuncture Can Help With Post-Partum Disorder – Dealing with stress, anxiety and lack of sleep, rejuvenating physical health and treating the symptoms of the milder ‘baby blues’ and the more severe depression that can occur.
Acupuncture Can Help With Breastfeeding – Lactation help and reduction in nipple soreness.
Acupuncture: Healthier Alternatives To Prescriptions – A safe and healthy alternative to prescription and over the counter drugs that can put both you and your baby at risk.
Acupuncture For Every Challenge In Life – Maintaining your health using acupuncture, and the long list of problems, (recognized by the World Health Organization), that it can treat.
Childbirth is by far the largest strain on the human body for most women. The loss of blood and fluid at childbirth combined with sleep deprivation during the first year of the child’s life leaves most women tired, anxious and depressed. Western Medicine usually treats the problem with iron supplements if there is measurable anemia, counseling, and hormone replacement, along with anti-depressants or serotonin re-uptake drugs.
Chinese Medicine takes a different approach. Acupuncture rebuilds the vitality and strength of a woman suffering from postpartum depression. The results are usually better than the Western approach and help restore the patient to their former level of vitality, prior to becoming pregnant.
Treating infertility with Acupuncture has been recorded in our ancient texts. In the last five years, modern empirical scientific research methods have validated these results and concluded that:
- Acupuncture can increase blood flow to the reproductive organs, which dramatically improves a woman’s response to the hormonal therapy.
- Acupuncture has been shown to regulate hormone levels by moderating the release of beta-endorphin levels in the brain, which improves the release of gonadatrophin-releasing hormone by the hypothalamus, follicle-stimulating hormone from the pituitary gland, and estrogen and progesterone levels from the ovary.
- Acupuncture reduces stress and a hyperactive sympathetic nervous system response.
- Acupuncture has been speculated to moderate cyclooxygenase and prostaglandin levels in the uterus, reducing uterine motility to improve implantation rates.
- The American Society of Reproductive Medicine’s Fertility & Sterility Journal has included the utility of acupuncture in conjunction with assisted reproductive technology.
(PCOS, endometriosis, dysmenorrhoea)
Among the most common complaints that we treat daily are menstrual disorders. Whether the problem is amenorrhea (no period), excessive bleeding, or pain and cramping during menses, these are all problems easily remedied with Acupuncture. It also plays an important role in the treatment of PCOS.
Pain at period time is almost always due to vessel blockage in the lower abdomen. This can be caused by vaso-spasms in the vessels of the lower abdomen, excessive cold in the in the lower abdomen, fibroid cysts, or a disease known as endometriosis. All of these conditions are usually improved through a series of acupuncture visits.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to a wide range of physical or emotional symptoms that typically occur about 5-11 days before a woman starts her monthly menstrual cycle. In Chinese medicine, PMS is almost always attributable to poor blood flow through the liver at the time of menses. Encouraging better circulation through the hepatic artery, which delivers 70% of the blood to the liver, can be very effective in helping with these problems. The Chinese discovered almost 2,500 years ago that emotional upset, in most cases, is a result of poor circulation through the liver. Over the centuries, the Chinese developed several methods for increasing blood flow to and through this vital organ. Once the liver is functioning properly, the emotional ups and downs are greatly reduced.
Menopause is the permanent end of menstruation and fertility, defined as occurring 12 months after your last menstrual period. Menopause is a natural biological process, not a medical illness. This means that a healthy woman can — and should — be able to go through this natural biological process without the bothersome symptoms often associated with menopause. The physical and emotional symptoms of menopause can disrupt your sleep, sap your energy and — at least indirectly — trigger feelings of sadness and loss.
Chinese medicine has been treating menopause for at least 2,000 years. The patient can expect the main symptoms of night sweats and hot flashes to be gone fairly quickly. The emotional upset that can go with menopause is treated very effectively. In short, women suffering from menopause can expect an improvement in their symptoms using Acupuncture.
Many women are suffering from this syndrome, which has no cure in Western Medicine. Fibromyalgia is essentially the name given to an undiagnosed, rampant inflammatory condition in the body.
In Chinese medicine, we find two etiologies (causes) for fibromyalgia. The first is very poor blood circulation. There is a systemic lack of nutrient and oxygen circulation to all the major muscle groups of the body and the sensory nerves that surround them. The result is constant, chronic pain.
Acupuncture is successful in vasodilating the major longitudinal blood vessels of the body, thereby providing more oxygen and nutrients to the malnourished muscle groups. The result is a dramatic reduction of pain over a short period of time.
The second etiology is also malnourishment, but from a different cause. Some fibromyalgia sufferers are simply anemic or borderline anemic. The anemia is a plasma anemia which Western Medicine fails to acknowledge. This type of patient is thin, frail, has dry skin, does not sleep well, is usually anxious and jumpy, and of course has a lot of pain, especially in the upper body. Acupuncture seeks to restore the fluid deficiency in the blood and body. The result is a sustainable reduction of pain and inflammation in the body, and the restoration of vitality.
- Pelvic inflammatory diseases
- Leucorrhoea